Not sure what’s been up with Mother Nature as of late, but she’s still blessing Michigan with a few 70+ degree days here and there. As a result, I’ve been wrestling back and forth with the idea of officially putting away my summer clothes away for good. Honestly, I’m not the type that dresses strictly for one season at a time, I like to layer and stretch my wardrobe it fit whatever mood I am in. Nevertheless, Fall is officially upon us, and we must stay ready. With the summer coming to a close in another month, now is a great time to stock up on transitional pieces for your wardrobe. Read on below to see some of my top tips for transitioning your clothing right into Fall.
Pull out your Oldie but Goodie Comfy Hoodies
Who doesn’t love a good hoodie? I know I do. Sweatshirts make THEE best transitional fall wardrobe staples because they are #1 comfy, #2 warm, and #3 fashionable! I hate having to pull out my bulky coats super early, wearing a cozy hoodie extends my wardrobe that much further. Score!
Always Keep Great Pair of Jeans on Deck
A good pair of jeans will take you a mighty long way! Jeans are one of the few fabrics that are universal, classic, and can be worn year round. You can literally dress them up or down, wearing them in between seasons is totally ok!
Open Toe Shoes and Boots Are Still Legal, but not for long…
I may be the queen of stringing my open-toed shoes along in cooler temperatures. One of my favorite parts of dressing in the summertime is the ability to wear strappy shoes. My own personal rule of thumb is that if the weather is at least 65 degrees, open toe shoes are legal as long as they are worn with pants. Otherwise, you run the risk of looking too summery.
What are some of your transitional wardrobe pieces for Fall?
Clothing: Hoodie:| Pant: Forever 21 | Shoes: Steve Madden Purse Thrifted
Photo Credit: Bruce Turner Photography
Social Media: @bruceturnerphotography

R. Y.Fields
November 15, 2017Very informative and nicely presented!