Be sure to have a screwdriver handy, to remove any outlet covers the room may have. Here is what my wall looked like after installing my stripes from ceiling to floor. Now time to decorate! To give the space the feeling of a fashion closet I added a garment rack against my focal wall, and two cubicle units stacked along my secondary wall. From there it was all about adding extra touches to make the space pop.
Attention to detail including the direction items are placed on shelves matter. Adding small one of kind pieces like a mirror or chair also help to make the space unique and custom to your needs and personality. My color story for the space is black, white, and gold, with a pop of color.
Curate the space rather than “decorate” it to prevent it from feeling boring. Every element that is added needs to pop against its background to make the room sing. A little color and print can go a long way!
Small trinkets such as a favorite book, decorative thank you cards, and textured accents help to elevate the room even further. Be sure to only include things that are authentic to you and truly rep your personality. You have to live in space literally and figuratively!