When I first saw the work of 24 year old designer Mah-Jing Wong, I was instantly struck by the eye-popping, attention grabbing colors, and shapes of his over the top clothing. Worn by countless celebs, Mah-Jing Wong and his self-titled label offer avant-garde looks that are custom made for each of his clients. With bold colors, hand died prints, and striking lines, you will definitely slay in one of his pieces. Interestingly enough, the Philly born designer who “likes to create things that make the eye dance” had to be coaxed into making clothes. Entering college as a marketing major it was “during one of my classes when my teacher stated that I was wasting my time after seeing my design book. From there I became a fashion design major and the rest is history.” Thank God he listened! After graduating from school it wasn’t until he participated in a local fashion show hosted by Lisa Raye McCoy before he decided to choose fashion as a career. The audience received his 20-look collection with rave reviews and according to Mah- Jing Wong “…from that moment my career began to take on a life of its own.” Starting a clothing line from the ground up as an independent designer and full time father does have its challenges. Even with help, much of the work falls solely on Mah-Jing Wong. With plans to expand his brand, Mah Jing Wong would like his label to “grow into a brand that designs everything from women’s wear to home decor. I would like to see my brand in stores around the globe.” If Mah-Jing Wong’s first two years in business provide any indication of what he is capable of, he will surely go on to accomplish all that he hopes for.
Written by Kori C. Fields
Mah-Jing Wong on His Design Aesthetic
I would like to describe my design aesthetic as Japanese street style mixed with a New York sense of style. I like to mix different fabrication to make a look that is innovative. I often look for inspiration from the Japanese culture for my designs. A lot of my designs come to me when I dream and allow my mind to run free.
His Advice for Other Designers
The best advice that I can give any designer is to stay true to yourself. Allow yourself to be limitless when you design.
The Unusual Story Behind His Name
An interesting thing about me is that Mah-Jing Wong is my real name. My grandfather is Chinese and that is why my name so unusual a for black man. I feel that my name is good attention grabber, which is why I choose to stick with it as my brand name.
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