No matter how long you step away from a gift, dream, or talent, it always bubbles to the surface in one way or another. For me that something is my creativity and the need for me to express it in order to feel sane. This may come as a surprise to those who know me, but I wasn’t aware that expressing myself should have a permanent spot on my list of things to do. And like a lot of individuals, I became distracted by everyday life, got caught up in the cycle of doing for others, dating, working, and living. Then one day, I looked up and found myself far far away from where I was supposed to be and what I should have been doing. Save your judgment. Fast-forward to now, it has embarrassingly been a little over a year since I last posted to my blog. There is no real reason as to what exactly happened, except for me being a chronic perfectionist and overthinker. I can sometimes live in my head a little too much, like most of us. This post and blog relaunch is my attempt to redeem myself for myself. It will be my safe place to share my thoughts, showcase my talent, and give a voice to a few new aspiring writers. I have decided to take the pressure off of myself, and post when and if I feel moved. Thank you for understanding in advance. There are a few things that have changed, so take some time to look around and be inspired. Welcome to my colourful world!
Kori C. Fields
Clothing: Jacket: Saks Fifth Avenue| Pant: American Apparel | Shoes: Steve Madden Purse: AKIRA
Photo Credit: Bruce Turner Photography
Social Media: @bruceturnerphotography