With so many trends and fads popping up daily, defining your personal style can prove to be a bit tricky. Considering how much what you wear says about you, investing the time and energy towards figuring out your look is very important. To help you get started along your personal fashion journey, I’ve compiled a list of tips to help you see the light. Hope this helps!
- Choose Your Focal Point and Conceal the Rest Have nice legs but need a bit of help hiding your tummy? Try a fit and flare dress! The idea behind this concept is to play up your strengths. While working on your problem areas, let your best assets shine! (tastefully of course)
- Take Note Of What You Repeatedly Wear When I stand back and look at my closet, the three main things that I see are color, stripes, and lots of print. These three elements are the core staples of everything I wear. Next time your out shopping pay close attention to what you are drawn to. No need to reinvent the wheel, just tweak it!
- Be True To You If the color of the season is yellow, and you HATE yellow, guess what, don’t buy any yellow! Sounds simple enough, but you will be surprised at how much stuff one can accumulate when they aren’t in tune with their personal style. Try not to purchase things that don’t necessarily fit your taste, are super trendy, or on sale. Avoid this mistake by only getting things that you adore and can see yourself wearing comfortably.
What defines your style?